Accepting the fact that it is the day before the day after tomorrow, again

I suddenly feel like watching that bit of alarmist pulp with Jake Gyllenhall and Dennis Quaid. With July 2nd topping out at 60 degrees the most implausible thing about the movie may be the fact that people panicked rather than just getting into the sour mood that everyone, self included, seems to have adapted here in Boston when faced with ridiculous, hemisphere reversal weather patterns. 

I spent hours last night getting the rust off of the raw track frame I’ve been riding while awaiting the arrival of #13 from sunny Portland, OR via UPS only to ride it into the storm again today, not that overhauling the hubs and BB and giving the bike some love while enjoying a delicious combination of Pomegranite Lime-Aid and Charles Shaw Shiraz was a complete waste of an evening but WTF, time for a paint job.

About mbudd

My name is Matt Budd. I am an athlete, engineer, and citizen of Massachusetts. I can build you a bike that will meet your functional expectation of it whatever that may be but I can't do it for free.
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