All Together Now (or) “Do What You Can, Where You Are, With What You Have”

Efficiency isn’t word I’d use to describe my current build process unless it was stated in terms of energy or in the fact that it is being accomplished (to exceding expectations, mind you) with a pretty minimal investment in tooling.  A quote from a Calvin and Hobbes comic strip that has always stuck with me that Calvin credited to either Teddy or Theo Roosevelt was “Do what you can, where you are, with what you have” (the punch line was that Calvin was in the bathtub at the time and feeling pretty ill equipped to do much of anything).  By my own standards my shop is pretty ill equipped right now but I’m doing what I can with it  and despite the fact that I spend hours doing things that an investment in a new tool could accomplish in minutes, I am pretty happy with the results.   I can’t afford to sit around and wait for the capital for that new tool for me to get busy getting some bikes built.

BBW #24 is now on the cusp of completion and I can’t wait to show it to the wrenches down at Ace Wheelworks where it will reside.  Se que CACASA?

About mbudd

My name is Matt Budd. I am an athlete, engineer, and citizen of Massachusetts. I can build you a bike that will meet your functional expectation of it whatever that may be but I can't do it for free.
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