The Bright Spots in a Crappie World (or) The Parrots of Eastie

Life has a way of challenging your resolve to make the best of things that you can sometimes.  Immersed in news of ugly things happening all around what seems to be a shrinking world and keeping one’s own head above water with increasing bills and shrinking paychecks it is easy to  miss the beauty to the simple things around you while your responsibilities for the day are being met.

Cold and overcast Mondays in March that require a trip to a doctors office next to the Airport can seem especially bleak. .  Riding over cheese grater plate bridges and through the potholed industrial underbelly of the Boston Metropolis with snow in the air I heard an out of place sound over the din of jet engines and the Route 1 overpass and was surprised to look up and see 3 parrots in a tree.  Seeing something bright, beautiful, exotic, and entirely out of place in all the grayness was one of those important reminders that good things survive that you have to be open to appreciating every once in a while.   Tropical birds among the engines of commerce in the northeast are rare yet though, and sometimes you have seek out those  bright spots that have the potential to shine a positive light on your lot.  It is my hope that the work I do designing  and building an optimal bicycle for a customer will be a conveyance for them to find those places and moments that can rejuvenate ones outlook.  It makes me glad to know that there are people like my friend Jen at Cut Paste Love that are doing  the work of making some destinations one can steer to brighter.

Crappy is Feeding Everywhere Now
Bang, Tropical Bird Habitat
Trust me, it is a Green Parrot
Gray Town
Transcendent Transport
Cut Paste Love Making a Cafe more palletable.

About mbudd

My name is Matt Budd. I am an athlete, engineer, and citizen of Massachusetts. I can build you a bike that will meet your functional expectation of it whatever that may be but I can't do it for free.
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