Low Contrast (or) Interdependence Day

In moments that I am feeling particularly proud of my toil wresting a bespoke, high performance bicycle frame from a pile of steel I am prone to seeing in myself that stoic, independent, spirit that has always been such an integral facet of the American mythology.  Taking a step back I see the error in that thinking, I am but the smallest cog in a system of economic and social constructs that allows for the activity in my little corner of the petri dish to take place.  A shake up down the line anywhere within that system could put the brakes on Budd Bike Works in an instant.  Suppliers of raw materials, parts wholesalers, welding gas distributors, tool makers, painters, and last but not least customers  are all entities that I directly rely on to get a product out the door.  For each of them there is an equal or greater number of entities that their operation depends on in a network that when all is said and done stretches pretty much to every corner of the globe in today’s increasingly interconnected world.  What that means to me today beyond taking pause before joining in on any guttural chanting of “USA! Number 1″ on our nation’s birthday is that this little black 29′er’s   journey across the country to the customer will be contingent upon a shipping container from Taiwan on the tarmac at JFK airport finally passing through customs so I can get the proper cranks installed on it.

The delay is enough to allow me time to possibly get into trouble experimenting with the finish.  Low contrast is so hot right now.

The relocation one of my most prolific neighbors, the boldly named Independent Fabrications, solved at least one of my supply chain issues for the moment.  Thanks to their much appreciated good will I don’t think I’ll have to sweat getting my hands on tubing for the rest of the year or maybe decade at the rate I am building.

About mbudd

My name is Matt Budd. I am an athlete, engineer, and citizen of Massachusetts. I can build you a bike that will meet your functional expectation of it whatever that may be but I can't do it for free.
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