Tag Archives: pagan bacchanal

What could a guy who spent the daylight hours in a mortuary recommissioned as a bike shop who emerges after dark to enter the forest under the waxing moon possibly dress up as for Halloween (or) “I’m really digging how these grips dial my stance”

TweetWith a completely blank social calendar I celebrated the day of the dead in a fashion more proper for the kind of ghouls I’d seen others dressed up as then I’m entirely comfortable with. A busy week of work at … Continue reading

Posted in BBW lab, big bike, frame building, Middlesex Fells, mountain biking, Night Riding, Uncategorized | Tagged , , | Comments Off on What could a guy who spent the daylight hours in a mortuary recommissioned as a bike shop who emerges after dark to enter the forest under the waxing moon possibly dress up as for Halloween (or) “I’m really digging how these grips dial my stance”