Would’a Could’a Should’a Weased but the Video Coverage almost makes me feel as if I’d been there.

The odds were favorable enough that another opportunity for physical hardship  would present itself again in the next few weeks that I opted to sit down and get some drawing done while I had some momentum with it rather than hustle home faster from my errands in the deluge to beat the traffic from town west in time to get a ride out to the night weasels race in sherborn, mass on a wednesday.

I got a cup of coffee instead, as soon as the rain tapered I knew I may end up regretting the decision. If #18 rolling through the door with about 2.5lbs of the side of a ski hill still caked on it weren’t proof enough all the coverage confirms that I missed the race event of the year so far.

I’m pretty happy about .00/lbs rate at which I bought a stack of lightly used high quality tires from this guy and that I’d gotten to the bank to make sure my way is clear for a little while to keep taking time off $/hour work to get these two off of my screen and under somebodies butt by the end of the month but soaked sopped up my courage to compete.

Anyone down for a road/trail ride this afternoon?

As a side note have any of you ever seen a fisher cat, a lady told me one got at her chickens around here.

About mbudd

My name is Matt Budd. I am an athlete, engineer, and citizen of Massachusetts. I can build you a bike that will meet your functional expectation of it whatever that may be but I can't do it for free.
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